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This is The Great Wall of China.  PKC Region1 uses this to sybolize the strength of our organization.

 The Professional Karate Commission is one of the fastest growing Martial Arts organizations in the United States and Canada.  We are dedicated to preserving the integrity, ethics, and principles of Karate-Do.  Our goal is to serve you in the best and most efficient manner possible.  You will find many of the top competitors, performers, schools, instructors, and judges in the United States and Canada among the members of the PKC. 


Authentic World Champions, Hall-of-Fame Members and genuine Martial Arts Masters are prevalent among our membership.   Look for the PKC logo for a truly respectful atmosphere, with good sportsmanship, and exciting, high quality competition.


PKC Region 1 Headquarters maintains Regional Point Standings for PKC members who place among the top four in a division at any PKC Region 1 event.  National Points are also earned and maintained for said competitors.   Annual Regional and National awards banquets are held in conjunction with PKC Regional and National Tournaments & Conventions to honor the Champions.  Current National and Regional points results are posted on line. Results are also sent to the instructors of all PKC Associated schools. 

You must be a member of the PKC to maintain point standings and to receive the many benefits that are provided.

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